Introductory words:
Many of us familiar that online resources available
for water resources/hydrological research but the same way many of us don’t
really know where and how to get those data easily in a usable format. Various
problems we face when we desperately need some data, among them finding the exact
site and getting the exact data is most notable. Often it happens
that we become ambiguous to see too many information given in the web site and we
could not find the required one that we need. Here in this post we will see how to
get some environmental data needed to build a hydrological model and process
them in a usable format. There are varieties of data available but we will
focus only the listed below. Once again these data`s are completely FREE OF CHARGE!!
[1] Administrative Area Map (Shape file)
[2] Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
[3] River Network
[4] Land use Map
[5] Digital Soil Map
[1] Administrative Area Map
Administrative area maps are very
useful to when we want to have basic information for some specific region. It is
often difficult to find administrative area of developing countries or some
specific island therefore a group of researcher made it possible geo
referencing all the region of the entire earth and putting them all together in
the GADM website [1A]. The file formats are ESRI shape file [1B], or (.kmz)
files for Google earth plugin.
Digital Elevation Model
Digital elevation model (DEM)
represents the elevation of Earth’s surface, including features (vegetation,
buildings, etc.).A DEM can be represented as a raster a grid of squares, also
known as a height map when representing elevation [2A]. They are very useful
for watershed/hydrological modeling [2B]. Especially they play significant role
for flood mapping and modeling spatial extent of food [2C]. Traditionally
elevation was derived by direct survey of the land, and then photogrammetry
techniques allowed for terrain extraction with a pair of images with
stereoscopic techniques. Today, highly accurate digital elevation can be
achieved with light detection and ranging (LIDAR) and interferometry synthetic
aperture radar (IfSAR). The SRTM digital elevation data, produced by NASA
originally, is a major breakthrough in digital mapping of the world, and
provides a major advance in the accessibility of high quality elevation data
for large portions of the tropics and other areas of the developing world [2D].
Beside academia DEMs are commercially used for geographic analysis especially
urban and regional planning [2E]. Globally available DEMS has approximately 1
km resolution from GTOPO30 and 90 m accuracy from the Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission (SRTM) [1].
There are various ways we can download
DEM from SRTM site but I found the easiest way of quick download using Google
earth plugin [2F]. Here is the video clip to have quick access of SRTM DEM and
processing steps to make better use of it.
[3] River Geometry Map:
Steam geometry maps are extremely
important for flood modeling and management. [3A]. River network is useful for
basin delineation [3B]. HydroSHEDS is a mapping product that provides
hydrographic information for regional and global-scale applications in a
consistent format [3C] It offers a suite of geo-referenced data sets (vector
and raster) at various scales, including river networks, watershed boundaries,
drainage directions, and flow accumulations. HydroSHEDS is based on
high-resolution elevation data obtained during a Space Shuttle flight for
NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The goal of developing
HydroSHEDS was to generate key data layers to support regional and global
watershed analyses, hydrological modeling, and freshwater conservation planning
at a quality, resolution and extent that had previously been unachievable.
Available resolutions range from 3 arc-second (approx. 90 meters at the
equator) to 5 minute (approx. 10 km at the equator) with seamless near-global
[3C] HydroSHED web site
[4] Land cover map:
Land use maps often called zoning maps are
basically derived from the satellite images and classifying them [4A]. Wide
application of land use maps mostly for demographic features and Eco
hydrological research[4B ]. They are often used for impact assessment of
climate change due to vegetation change and demographic features [4C]. Environmental
impacts and land at risk from land degradation such as salinity, flood,
drought, and erosion studies can be done with land use maps. Land use maps are
prepared by several government agencies, for a variety of reasons. Individual
groups and organizations can also generate maps with land use information.
Often, such maps are publicly available, so that people who are interested in
land use trends can access them. For global application European Space Agency
(ESA) provides maps in different time slice. They
[5] Digital Soil Map
Digital soil map provides type of soil
and their physical properties. Soil properties have immense importance for agricultural
productivity and application of fertilizer. Soil map can be prepared by survey
or classifying the remote sensing images [5A] robust application of soil maps
is most often related to irrigation requirement and scheduling. Food and Agricultural
Organization of united nation provides soil map with 1:10000 scale classifying
6998 soil classes for entire world. This can be obtained from the geo network
web portal of FAO [5B]. Organic and inorganic components are including with the
attribute table provided by FAO which is very useful for agricultural research
Concluding remarks [For part: 1]
Few issues needed to be discussed,
among them projection system and resolution of data needs attention. In most cases the standard
projection system is GCS WGS 1984 where the distances are calculated on Arc
second. Usually 1 degree equals to 100 km. Since I used ArcGIS they have a default projection of GCS WGS 1984. There might be some error messages or dis placement of maps if the projection system is not similar with the data frame and the extracted data from different sources!!
Here it ends the part 1 of extraction of freely available online geographic data for Environmental/Hydrological/Geographical research, the next section I will be focusing CLIMATIC data [Precipitation, Temperature, Wind speed Solar radiation etc etc.] freely available. So keep tuned....